Electric cars
TheElectric car does not drive with an internal combustion engine, but with an electric motor. As an environmentally friendly, emission-free and quiet alternative to conventional cars, it is well on its way to revolutionizing European transport. There are already many types of electrically powered vehicles: from electric minis to electric SUVs. All automobile manufacturers worldwide are now relying on the electric car and are investing heavily in research to make the electric car suitable for the masses.
The range of electric vehicles is diverse.
Currently on everyone’s lips, soon on every street? The rise of the electric vehicle is probably the biggest mobility revolution since the invention of the car itself. In this article we summarize which vehicles the term electric vehicle describes exactly, how the development of vehicles with electric drives took place and which e-vehicles are available today.
The demand for electromobility is constantly increasing. The numbers of new registrations prove that the electromobility trend is on the rise. Compared to the previous year, new registrations of purely battery-electric cars (BEVs) have increased by over 83%. The Federal Motor Transport Authority publishes the current figures every month. In the period January to December 2021 there were 355,449 new registrations in the BEV sector. In the month of December alone the total was 48,436 New registrations up 10.9% higher than in the same month last year. In November 2021 the increase was even 39.0%.
Electric vehicles: definition
A vehicle with an electric drive is called an electric vehicle. Electric propulsion means that it gets its energy from electricity and not from burning fuel (diesel or gasoline). The electrical energy from the electric motor usually comes from a rechargeable battery.
An electric vehicle is now also called a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle), which refers to a vehicle that is electrically powered by a battery. It belongs to the category of electric cars, which includes other variants in addition to the fully electric car: the externally chargeable hybrid vehicle (Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle - PHEV), the fuel cell vehicle (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle - FCEV) and the light electric vehicle (Light Electric Vehicle). – LEV).
Special types are fuel cell vehicles that generate their drive from a fuel cell. The electricity is generated directly in the vehicle via a chemical reaction.
The term NEV is also increasingly being used internationally, although it has different meanings depending on the target group. For example, NEV stands for "New Energy Vehicle" (e.g. used by the Chinese manufacturer BYD as a sponsor of EURO 2024), i.e. vehicles with certain alternative drive technology, or also for Neighbourhood Electric Vehicle as four-wheeled light electric vehicles.
Gaps in knowledge among over a third of Germans
But electromobility goes far beyond the e-car. Despite massive demand, the level of knowledge among Germans can be improved. As part of a representative online survey, the electronics retailer Euronics, which also sold the Aiways U5 e-SUV, examined the know-how and information behavior in e-mobility. When asked about their self-assessment of their knowledge of e-mobility other than electric cars, 46.5% of those surveyed said they were well informed. Over a third (35.5%) rate their knowledge as low. A look at the detailed analysis suggests that e-mobility seems to be a male domain: at 56.8%, men consider themselves to be better informed than women (36.1%). Likewise, younger respondents between the ages of 18 and 29 rate their knowledge of e-mobility higher than the study participants aged 30 and over.
Electric two-wheelers
It curved even before the electric carElectric motorcycle through the streets: quiet, emission-free and cheaper in the long term. The electric two-wheelers are particularly popular in growing cities - they save space and overtake motorcades with ease. In addition to the e-motorcycle, the ones that are particularly popular are:e-scooter and thee-mopeds growing popularity. There are now also innovative rides for off-road usewitness. TrotRX is an off-road cross scooter manufactured in France. Hoverboards are very popular with children as a playful means of transportation. Being electrically mobile and actively moving at the same time is possible with the Lopifit, an electrically assisted treadmill bike. The Dutch invention looks like a cross between a bicycle and a scooter from days gone by.
If you like something sportier, choose eWheels, also known as unicycles, monocycles or monowheels. The fun factor is one hundred percent guaranteed with these extravagant companions.
After just a few minutes of practice you'll get the hang of it. Particularly practical: the bikes are easy to carry and can be easily transported on public transport.
Disadvantage: the electric light vehicles are generally not road legal in Germany and can therefore only be used on private property.

Electric skateboards
This means of transport, which has been popular for many years, is now also available in an electric version. Evolve offers high-quality and stylish product variants. The Onewheel is a little more unusual. Here the tread surface is mounted around the individual wheel and you ride like on a skateboard, only without the otherwise annoying acceleration.

Electric commercial vehicles
Cheaper to operate, more economical in local transport and supported by money from the federal government: three arguments for companies to increasingly upgrade their fleet to electricity. The goal is to do more and moree-commercial vehicles, so to send e-vans, e-trucks, e-buses onto the roads. Vehicle manufacturers are primarily working on equipping e-tonners with powerful batteries for long distances.
Electric watercraft
In fact, there are also numerous offers in the maritime sector:e-Mmotorboats and e-jet skis are becoming increasingly popular. But electric diving robots, e-jetboards and electric SUP boards also guarantee a high fun factor. With aElectric hydrofoil, also called eFoil, allows you to surf weightlessly over the surface of the water at speeds of up to 48 km/h.
Electric air taxi
Partly still a dream of the future, partly the electrically powered flying object is reality. While a Munich company is developing an e-taxi for the skies - market entry was planned for 2020 - electric drones from the mail order company Amazon are already on the move.
The first test flight with people on board took place in China in 2018. Today, over 100 companies worldwide are working on drones that can also transport people. From 2023, the German company will offer Volocopter a flight taxi service in Singapore. Together with ADAC, the company is developing eVTOLs that are used in emergency services. The unmanned VoloCity multicopters are scheduled to begin flight operations in Germany at the end of 2024/beginning of 2025 - in order to bring medical staff to the scene of an accident or emergency operation quietly, with low emissions and in the shortest possible time, after several years of research.
Air taxis are scheduled to start in Paris, Los Angeles, Dallas, China and South Korea from 2025.
A common goal: to relieve traffic congestion by increasingly moving traffic routes “into the sky”.
The suppliers and electromobility
When it comes to electromobility, automotive suppliers are also considered the backbone of modern automobile production. These companies supply the majority of all components and systems needed to build a vehicle. A distinction is made in the supply chain between Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers. The difference arises from where these supplier companies are in the production chain. For example, Tier 1 suppliers deliver directly to the automobile manufacturer.
Major automotive suppliers worldwide are currently working intensively on transforming themselves into mobility providers. In many cases, the boundaries between suppliers and OEMs flow into one another. Some suppliers are working on their own electric, autonomous vehicles for last-mile deliveries.
There are eighteen German suppliers in the top 100 global suppliers. With the trio Bosch, Continental and ZF Friedrichshafen, three of the suppliers are in the top five. Regionally, the 100 largest German automotive suppliers concentrate heavily on Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, as 75% of the suppliers have their headquarters there.
In addition to price, advice and service significantly determine the purchase decision for e-vehicles
For the participants in the study, a comprehensive offering from a dealer is a clear advantage and an important purchasing argument: 50.9% of those surveyed would be more likely to buy an e-mobility product if the appropriate services were offered from a single source. However, there are regional differences in Germany when it comes to this question. While 29% of West Germans do not want advice on e-mobility products, this proportion is significantly higher in East Germany at 36.7%.
Customers particularly ask about funding opportunities or installing their ownWallbox. In addition, the customer wants comprehensive advice and support beyond the purchase. The topic of electromobility covers numerous other subject areas. The interested party also asks questions about sustainability andRecycling options, comparison prices to combustion enginesInsurance- and financing options, but also alternative driving concepts.
New ways of purchasing advice
It turns out that customers are increasingly looking for comprehensive advice. He can find these on site or online. In the course of digitalization, e-commerce is becoming increasingly important. Manufacturers are foregoing expensive showrooms in city centers. It is no longer uncommon to order your vehicle online. Purchasing via online portals is gaining momentum because they are not tied to business hours and offer the comprehensive information you want.
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