In order to make the issues of e-mobility heard at a political and social level, the committed - often voluntary - work of associations is very important. They are committed to the interests of e-mobilists. Your technical expert knowledge is in demand. Here we introduce the most important associations:
AVEREis a representative body at European level based in Brussels. The only European association was founded in 1978 and operates in close cooperation with European institutions and other international authorities. AVERE aims to promote the spread of electromobility in general and electric vehicles in particular in Europe and Africa. The transport transition across Europe needs uniform framework conditions. That's why AVERE is committed to strengthening the European e-mobility industry.
The board under President Espen Hauge is made up of experienced specialists in the e-mobility industry from all over Europe. Hauge predicts rapid growth for electromobility: "According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the market for Electric vehicles reach 30 million sales per year by 2030 and by 2040 there will be 500,000 electric vehicles in circulation, equivalent to one in three cars on the road. This is an astonishing prediction that shows that European citizens and companies are finally recognizing the key role of electromobility."
AVERE informs, advises and organizes conferences throughout Europe
In addition to informative essays and publications,AVERE Specialist conferences in the international metropolises of electromobility.
The EVS (Electric Vehicles Symposium) is the leading international event that addresses all of these topics. EVS is organized by AVERE, EDTA and EVAAP, the three members of WEVA (World Electric Vehicle Association). The symposium took place in Lyon / France in 2019, in Portland / USA in 2020 and in Nanjing / China in 2021. In 2022, AVERE hosted EVS35 in Oslo in June under the motto "The electric future is here." The AEC, the AVERE E-Mobility Conference, is a European conference. The aim is to provide comprehensive information about the latest developments and to promote the exchange of experiences between industry, science and public structures in order to jointly accelerate the progress of electrification in Europe. If possible, the event will be held at the same time as the AEC at the same location.
Federal Association of eMobility (BEM)
TheFederal Association of eMobility e.V.based in Berlin is committed to converting mobility in Germany to electromobility based on renewable energies in the long term. The association's tasks include improving the legal and social framework for the expansion of electromobility as a sustainable, future-oriented and climate-protecting transport concept and the implementation of equal opportunities when switching to electromobility. In order to achieve these goals, the BEM connects actors from business, politics and the media, promotes public awareness of electromobility and advocates for necessary infrastructural changes.
Numerous players from very different industries are active in this growth market, who to date have no or very few common points of contact and are therefore happy to accept our help in initiating joint projects.
The BEM now represents over 300 members. The board consists of Christian Heep and Markus Emmert, who, among other things, takes over the management of the working groups.
The BEM offers the following working groups:
AG 1 – LEV & Micromobility
AG 2 – eMobility & Trailer
AG 3 – Retrofitting – eBuses & eCommercial vehicles
AG 4 – Network usefulness of eMobility
AG 5 – Car dealership with a future…!
AG 6 – Law, Order & Insurance
AG 7 – BigData – Blockchain – New Mobility
AG 8 – Charging infrastructure
AG 9 – Battery
AG 10 – maritime eMobility
AG 11 – Off Highway – Construction, Land & special machines
AG 12 – Municipal
AG 13 – Campaigns & public relation
AG 14 – Safety & SecurityAG 15 – Green Fleet
AG 16 – eMobile racing
AG 17 – eAviation
AG 18 – public transport
AG 19 – Rail

The member companies come from a wide range of areas along the entire value chain of low-emission drive concepts. These include automobile and two-wheeler manufacturers, suppliers, battery manufacturers, car dealerships, e-bike shops and charging station manufacturers as well as IT and telecommunications companies, law firms, management consultancies, energy suppliers, municipal utilities and associations of related industries.
We are also members of the BEM and part of the association's LEV working group.
federal Association
Solar Mobility (BSM)
TheFederal Association of Solar Mobility e.V. (BSM) is a non-profit interest group that promotes electromobility in conjunction with renewable energies. This is one of the oldest associations in this area, as it was founded in 1989 under the name Solarmobil Drivers and Designers Association. The headquarters of the BSM is in Berlin.
The Federal Association for Solar Mobility has been campaigning for environmentally friendly transport systems and the use of solar energy on land, in the water and in the air for many years. It transports findings from electromobile practice to political committees and offers its members a basis for exchanging their experiences. The association sees itself as a lobbyist for electromobilists. The key point is widespread public relations work to convey the advantages of e-mobility to the general population and to allay concerns due to a lack of information. By looking beyond individual transport to systemic mobility, the BSM continues to represent positions with which Germany can face the challenges of the future.
"front with e" is a campaign by the non-profit Federal Association of Solar Mobility e.V. with the aim of getting people to change their mobility patterns, to educate people and to bring e-mobility closer to people. Founded by enthusiasts, solar workers and engineers, it now sees its tasks as supporting the transformation in the interests of a sustainable transport transition. The BSM operates on several levels and represents the interests of users as well as those of the community as a whole. Because sustainable mobility also means efficiency, digitalization, sector coupling, urban development and much more.
Electric Empire
Electric Empire is the Federal Association of Small Electric Vehicles e.V. based in Berlin. Members of the board are Lars Zemke and Ramón Goeden. The association was founded in December 2018. The association is committed to the legalization of all small electric vehicles, because they close an important gap in the overall concept of electromobility in the short-distance sector. Electric Empire advocates a uniform implementation of EU law in all European countries, as the legislators here unfortunately still have very different guidelines and the use of a electric vehicle is not possible everywhere under the same conditions.
The association also advocates for the option of insuring all small electric vehicles up to 25 km/h through private liability insurance.
Unfortunately, German insurers do not handle insurance coverage uniformly, as there is also uncertainty in the insurance industry. The fact is that onlye-scooter can be insured by the Federal Motor Transport Authority with a general operating license. Nevertheless, it happens that tooMonoWheels or electric skateboards receive insurance coverage even though this is not permitted. That's why Lars Zemke filed a lawsuit with the Munich Regional Court in 2020 to obtain clarity and legal certainty for all users. The lawsuit was dismissed at that time.
To this end, Electric Empire continues to carry out intensive political lobbying at the federal and state levels. They carry out broad public relations work and organize small electric vehicle demonstrations and events throughout Germany. The topic of legalizing small electric vehicles should become better known. "Every user of micromobility with/without handlebars can personally and alone be an ambassador for themselves and their new way of getting around." says Lars Zemke. The club also runs its own podcast. Lars Zemke is here regularly every Monday from 8 p.m. to exchange ideas with interesting representatives of mobility. (Youtube channel "No limits to riding electric")
You can find out what you need to consider when using electric vehicles in our article."Regulations on the use of electric vehicles".
Electrified Woman
electrified woman e.V. is a non-profit organization. The aim of the association is to promote environmental protection in the area of individual mobility. The aim is to make social acceptance of electromobility more visible and promote it. When it comes to individual mobility, women perceive an electric car differently than men. The typical one e-car for women has not yet been developed. The vehicles are used equally. Nevertheless, the topics of electromobility are perceived differently by women and implemented in practice, according to the experience of electrified women.
The technical details are rarely in the foreground. Practical handling, noiselessness and practicality are more important. The joint exchange on topics related to e-mobility, such as Charging station expansion and infrastructure, funding, exchange of experiences with a wide variety of vehicles are the main aspects of the association. To this end, public exchange on social media channels promotes significant visibility. And that is important because electromobility has equal rights and is of interest to everyone and every woman.
LEVA-EU is an interest group and the only trade association in Europe that is exclusively dedicated to light electric vehicles (LEVs). The association is based in Gent, Belgium.
To promote the market introduction and use of LEVs, LEVA-EU guides LEV companies through the maze of rules and regulations that apply to these vehicles. LEVA-EU has a direct line to EU decision makers to negotiate an improvement of the regulations. LEVA-EU is also in contact with national decision-makers to exchange information on best practices. The stakeholders develop and implement a European advocacy strategy.
LEVA-EU has a very extensive global network available to LEVA-EU members to establish new business relationships, build distribution networks, communicate with research institutes
In 2022, LEVA-EU commissioned a study from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), which concluded that light electric vehicles (LEVs) have great potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector and thus contribute to climate protection and the mobility of the future.
Half of the kilometres driven by cars in Germany could theoretically also be covered by LEVs and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 40 %.
LEVi -Light Electric Vehicle Innovationscluster
LEVi is an innovation cluster funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, which is explicitly dedicated to the establishment of light electric vehicles and acts as a platform for knowledge exchange, technology transfer and cooperation. The aim is to establish an industry that will have the same status worldwide as the automotive industry in just a few years. LEVi also aims to raise public awareness of the benefits of light electric vehicles. LEVi is committed to creating a new transport infrastructure to make cities more liveable. To this end, LEVi acts at a political level and ensures effective public communication right through to the end consumer.
LEVA-EU is an interest group and the only trade association in Europe that is exclusively dedicated to light electric vehicles (LEVs). The association is based in Gent, Belgium.
To promote the market introduction and use of LEVs, LEVA-EU guides LEV companies through the maze of rules and regulations that apply to these vehicles. LEVA-EU has a direct line to EU decision makers to negotiate an improvement of the regulations. LEVA-EU is also in contact with national decision-makers to exchange information on best practices. The stakeholders develop and implement a European advocacy strategy.
LEVA-EU has a very extensive global network available to LEVA-EU members to establish new business relationships, build distribution networks, communicate with research institutes
In 2022, LEVA-EU commissioned a study from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), which concluded that light electric vehicles (LEVs) have great potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector and thus contribute to climate protection and the mobility of the future.
Half of the kilometres driven by cars in Germany could theoretically also be covered by LEVs and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 40 %.