Well insured! Safe electric travel.
Good insurance is essential if you want to travel worry-free.
Depending on the vehicle class, there are different options for insuring a vehicle. We explain when insurance is mandatory, what type of insurance is available, what it costs and where comprehensive insurance options for electric vehicles are available.
Which insurance for which vehicle?
e-bikes / pedelecs with pedal assistance up to 25 km/h do not require a license plate, insurance is not mandatory but is still advisable. The purchase price of an e-bike is usually quite high and damage to or caused by the battery can quickly become costly.
e-scooter require a seasonal adhesive license plate, which is delivered directly to the customer by the insurance company. This is a seasonal license plate. It is valid from March 1st to the end of February of the following year. If you purchase the vehicle later in the year, you can apply for the license plate at any time, but the term always ends at the end of February. The costs for one year for liability are around €40.00; for partial insurance, surcharges may be charged.
e-mopedsUp to 45 km/h (vehicle class L3e) also receive an annual license plate. This has a slightly larger format, corresponding to the license plate holder on the vehicle. Here, too, you can choose between liability insurance starting at around €60.00 including insurance tax or comprehensive insurance.
e-motorcyclesAs motorcycles, they belong to class L1e and are registered via the road traffic office. You will receive a permanent license plate. Before registering, the insurance company provides an EVB number based on the vehicle data and the vehicle owner's information. After registration, the vehicle owner then receives the insurance documents according to his desired insurance options: liability and optional comprehensive additional insurance.
At e-cars and light electric vehiclesThe same procedure applies above 45 km/h.
Depending on the conditions of use, further additions to the insurance may be possible. Insurers also have a wide range of options here. However, there are usually cheap combination offers for electric vehicles that include everything and the driver is well insured.
Liability or comprehensive insurance – what is the difference?died?
Liability insurance generally covers the damage suffered by the other party. If damage occurs to another vehicle or a foreign object (e.g. a guardrail) as a result of an accident or carelessness, this is covered by liability insurance.
With partial comprehensive insurance, damage to your own vehicle that is not caused by your own fault is covered. These include, for example, marten bites, damage caused by storms and hail, stone chips, theft, etc. The exact damage that is covered varies depending on the provider's insurance conditions. Some insurers have not yet adapted their conditions to electric vehicles and therefore do not offer the possibility of insuring battery damage. It is important to compare carefully here.
Fully comprehensive insurance insures your own damage, even if you are at fault. In this way, your own vehicle can be repaired or even replaced after an accident that was your fault. The current value of the vehicle often determines the reimbursement amount.
With a deductible, the insurance premium can be cheaper. In the event of damage, the policyholder bears the agreed deductible himself.
Some insurance companies, such as Zurich, have developed e-mobility protection specifically for electric vehicles that comprehensively takes into account the needs of battery-electric vehicles.
Insurance offers from Zurich Insurance for electric vehicles
n Cooperation with Zurich as e-mobility experts, we can recommend the right insurance offer for you. The Detlev Knoll agency has specialized in e-mobility protection for years. Based on his experience, Detlev Knoll himself helped develop Zurich's perfect insurance offer because he knows from personal experience what is really important.
The following options are available:
Worldwide e-mobile protection for bicycles and pedelecs:
The bike/pedelec is insured including the battery and original accessories
Insured risks: e.g. E.g. theft, fire or explosion, operating errors, forces of nature, fall, fall orAccident
EU-wide e-mobile protection for e-mopeds. e-mopeds and small motorcyclesthe:
Motor vehicle liability
Insured risks: Claims for damages from third parties
Insured sum for personal injury, property damage and financial loss: EUR 100 million flat rate
Maximum compensation per injured person/event: EUR 12 million
Optional: Damage to your own vehicle that is permanently connected to it, partial comprehensive damage, theft, forces of nature, glass, collision with animals, marten bites, short circuit damage and moisture damage to the wiring, battery and electronics, charging damage, transport and disposal costs and much more.
EU-wide e-mobile protection for scooters and self-balancing vehicles:
Motor vehicle liability
Insured risks: Claims for damages from third parties
Insuranceng sum for personal injuries, property damage and financial losses: EUR 100 million flat rate
Maximum compensation per injured person/event: EUR 12 million
Optional: Damage to your own vehicle that is permanently connected to it, partial comprehensive damage, theft, forces of nature, glass, collision with animals, marten bites, short circuit damage and moisture damage to the wiring, battery and electronics, charging damage, transport and disposal costs and much more.

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**Subject to change. The product descriptions do not replace the insurance conditions.